
Starving Venom Predapower Fusion Dragon

Name Starving Venom Predapower Fusion Dragon
Archetype Predaplant
Attribute DARK DARK
Level 10
ATK / DEF 3600 / 2500
Materials 1 DARK Fusion Monster + 1 Fusion Monster
Status (TCG) Unlimited

1 DARK Fusion Monster + 1 Fusion Monster
(This card is always treated as a "Predaplant" card.)
Once per turn, when a card or effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can Tribute 1 monster with a Predator Counter from either field, and if you do, negate that activation. If this Fusion Summoned card is sent to the GY by your opponent: You can target 1 DARK monster in your GY; Special Summon it. You can only use this effect of "Starving Venom Predapower Fusion Dragon" once per turn.


2022-05-20 Dimension Force DIFO-EN036
